#Mastodon 3.5.2 is out now, with bug fixes and performance improvements!
Hooray but also noooooooo I JUST got this version working
@board 毛象3.5.2版本发布了,把私信这个令人误解的名字改成仅提到的人可见了(发私信@人的话就算被提到的用户被你屏蔽了都能看见)
@board 试了一下
A 屏蔽 B
A 发嘟 @B,B会收到提醒
B 发嘟 @/A,A不会收到提醒
@Mastodon My first Mastodon update
Everything finished in 7 minutes. Good job
@Mastodon ayy, bout to upgrade vrparty! Whoop!
@Mastodon Upgrade went off without a hitch. Took about 5 minutes. Cheers!
@Mastodon Thank you! Update went smoothly.
Como que @mstdn.mx esta un poco desactualizado
Ui, another round of short downtimes?
@Mastodon why does it change toots to posts in this commit: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/commit/be0bc9acbffe2d6126f382b946be0469d756048c ? I like to toot... :)
@Mastodon will we have link previews in the iOS app?